Webinar: How to Get Great Place To Work-Certified™


Updated December 2021.


Employees say this is a great place to work

Company Overview

About The Company

KeepTruckin is an artificial intelligence-powered hardware and software company that serves more than one million drivers and over 100,000 businesses that power the physical economy by equipping them with the technology needed to improve the safety and efficiency of their operations. Today, KeepTruckin’s network of connected vehicles is one of the largest in North America. At every turn, KeepTruckin provides cutting-edge hardware and software that leverages the latest advancements in AI and computer vision to solve a broad range of problems for businesses with vehicles.


2,842 U.S.-based Employees


Information Technology

HQ Location

San Francisco, CA, CA, US

Employee Demographics


Company Culture at Motive

The employee experience below at Motive, compared to a typical company.

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94% of employees at Motive say it is a great place to work compared to 57% of employees at a typical U.S.-based company.

  • Motive
  • 94%
  • Typical Company
  • 57%
When you join the company, you are made to feel welcome.
I'm proud to tell others I work here.
Management is honest and ethical in its business practices.
Our facilities contribute to a good working environment.
I am able to take time off from work when I think it's necessary.

Why Work at Motive?

See what employees say about what makes Motive a great workplace. These words are drawn from employee comments on the Trust Index™ survey.

Best Workplaces Lists

Great Place To Work® is proud to recognize Motive