Webinar: How to Get Great Place To Work-Certified™
Global Bridge Infotech Inc

Global Bridge Infotech Inc

Updated August 2021.


Employees say this is a great place to work

Company Overview

About The Company

GBIT Inc specializes in providing enterprise solutions and technical resources that leverage technology to improve business productivity. With over 15 years of experience in IT Professional Services. GBIT Inc support many of the world's technologically advanced companies.


155 U.S.-based Employees


Information Technology

HQ Location

Irving , TX, US

Employee Demographics


Company Culture at Global Bridge Infotech Inc

The employee experience below at Global Bridge Infotech Inc, compared to a typical company.

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95% of employees at Global Bridge Infotech Inc say it is a great place to work compared to 57% of employees at a typical U.S.-based company.

  • Global Bridge Infotech Inc
  • 95%
  • Typical Company
  • 57%
Management keeps me informed about important issues and changes.
Management trusts people to do a good job without watching over their shoulders.
Management's actions match its words.
People are encouraged to balance their work life and their personal life.
I want to work here for a long time.

Why Work at Global Bridge Infotech Inc?

See what employees say about what makes Global Bridge Infotech Inc a great workplace. These words are drawn from employee comments on the Trust Index™ survey.