Our mission is to build a better world by helping organizations become a great place to work
Great Places to Work For All are proven to be Better for business, Better for People , Better for the world
Global Mission Graph and statement
Since 1992, we have surveyed more than 100 million employees around the world
From how many countries? (placeholder text until we get accurate stats)
From How many Companies total? (placeholder text until we get accurate stats)
What makes GPTW the Global Authority in workplace culture?
Trust Model
We lead the industry with the most rigorous,data-based model for quantifying employee experience
For All™ Methodology
Ensuring that every single employee, no matter who they are or what they do for their company, is having a consistently positive experience at work.
Employee Benchmarking
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Thought Leadership Content
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Recognizing Best Workplaces
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi placerat rhoncus tincidunt. Morbi in scelerisque massa, in vulputate tortor. Sed blandit elit arcu, vitae porttitor sem sagittis quis. Suspendisse potenti. Sed vel vehicula nisl, at suscipit sem. Suspendisse dictum faucibus nulla, et tristique lectus bibendum ut. Ut in nulla vestibulum.