Can We Predict HR Trends Happening in 2020?

 Can We Predict HR Trends Happening in 2020?
If We Ask the Right Questions We Can

If We Ask the Right Questions We Can

The "Uberization of work" is coming. That's the latest work world prediction. As with years past, the transition between 2014 and 2015 has been marked by a barrage of assessments about HR's past performance and a flurry of predictions about the future of work. According to my newsfeeds:

HR Trends: What's Your Truth?

I shouldn't complain because over the years, I have written my share of assessments and predictions--some proving more spot on than others. However, each year at this time, I find myself in search of the truth about talent and organizations today.

  • How well did organizations handle human capital management in 2014?

  • What are organizations most pressing human capital needs in 2015?

  • Which trends will substantially change the way we work by 2020 and which are mere distractions?

To find the truth about talent, APQC launched its Talent Trends Survey which will collect perspectives on human capital performance in 2014, talent needs for 2015, and predictions for 2020 and beyond.

What's your organization's strategic course for people in 2015? Take the survey and you'll receive a copy of the results and white paper.

HR Scorecards: Do You Measure Up?

While you wait for your results, checkout the findings from last year's HR Priorities, Performance, and Trends survey. Find answers to questions such as:

  • What are the top issues facing learning professionals today?

  • Are compensation and benefits offerings aligned with CEO objectives?

  • How well have recruiting functions performed?

Use these complimentary HR scorecards to see how your organization compares to others in how it performs key HR processes.

Elissa Tucker is a research program manager at APQC, a nonprofit benchmarking and best practices organization. Elissa is responsible for developing and executing APQC’s human capital management research agenda. She has written and been featured in numerous HR industry publications including and is a regular speaker on HR industry webinars and at HR conferences. Elissa has more than 15 years of HR research, writing, and advising experience. Prior to joining APQC, Elissa worked as a senior research consultant at HR consultancy, Hewitt Associates (now AonHewitt). Elissa co-edited and contributed to the book: Workforce Wake-Up Call: Your Workforce Is Changing, Are You?, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

APQC is a member-based nonprofit and one of the leading proponents of benchmarking and best practice business research. Working with more than 500 organizations worldwide in all industries, APQC focuses on providing organizations with the information they need to work smarter, faster, and with confidence. Every day we uncover the processes and practices that push organizations from good to great. Visit us at and learn how you can make best practices your practices.

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