[Infographic] Tips for Job Hunting in the Digital Age

 [Infographic] Tips for Job Hunting in the Digital Age
Online reputation and resumes: If you want to be added to a company’s roster of employees, your online profile needs to show you'd be a good fit.

Reputation, Resumes & Video Interviews

If you want to be added to a company’s roster of employees, then you need to show that you'd be a good fit.

The information presented in this infographic report shows that employers in this digital age are definitely watching what prospective job candidates are doing online -- and what they find can make or break your chances of being hired.

As you can well imagine, human resources departments want to make the right choices when it comes to selecting applicants to fill specific positions. Why? An article cites a survey showing that 41% of HR people and hiring managers who've hired the wrong person state that they suffered thousands of dollars in financial losses stemming from the error. So don’t allow your online behavior to disqualify you from jobs that you otherwise would have been perfect for.

Looking for work in the digital age is hard work, and it’ll take the same sort of dedication as it would take to earn a university degree or to earn an MBA after doing the GMAT. So read on for some tips on how you can become the sort of candidate that companies want on their rosters.


As was mentioned earlier, everything you do online leaves a digital path that employers can follow, and if they find things that suggest you might have questionable judgement -- inappropriate pics, insensitive blog posts, or rude forum comments -- they might turn you down as a job candidate.

Consider the following findings in the aforementioned report:

  • Three-quarters of recruiters will do online research of candidates
  • Seven in 10 recruiters have turned down candidates based on what they discovered

So be careful what you do online. You should delete anything online that could potentially sink your job hopes, and if you haven’t already done so, be sure to keep your personal social media accounts private so that only people you choose can actually see them.


Get the most out of your resume by posting it on LinkedIn. While the previously mentioned report notes that 89% of recruiters have retained someone through the social networking site, a mere 36% of job seekers are using LinkedIn regularly. Be sure to fill out your profile completely. You’ll be able to make a good first impression and show employers that you’d make a good employee.

Video Resume

Around 90% of resumes come in the same old format, but videos are the fastest-growing type of content online, says the same report. Using YouTube, Vimeo, or Vine, you can make a video resume to set yourself apart from competitors, showcase your past accomplishments, and demonstrate you’re comfortable using technology.

Video Interview

And hopefully that comfort with technology will transfer over to video interviews since it’s very possible that you might have to take part in one someday. In order to feel like a pro, you can practice your skills on Skype with a friend so that you have a better idea of what the real interview will be like. And be sure that you research the companies you’ll be interviewing with so that you have an idea of what questions to ask if given that opportunity during the video interview.

Job hunting during the digital age is hard work, particularly when you’re dealing with companies that understand the high cost of hiring workers who don’t pan out. HR staff members have lots of candidates to choose from, so they won’t likely take a chance on questionable applicants. If you build a good online reputation and put into practice the other tips listed above, you’ll increase your odds of getting job offers.

Vera Marie Reed is a contributor to the Great Place To Work® blog.

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