Inspirational Workplace Culture Stories from Summit

 Inspirational Workplace Culture Stories from Summit

Diversity & Inclusion

The Great Place To Work For All Summit is the premier event for culture leaders from across the globe to network, learn about trends affecting workplace culture and derive insights from Great Place To Work research and companies that have created award-winning cultures. At our last Summit, legendary culture executives from Hilton, EY, Salesforce and more, gave attendees an inside look into their people-practices, inspiring and captivating everyone in attendance.

At the event, we asked attendees to stop by our storytelling station and share about their best experiences of workplace culture. 

  • First, we asked what 'For All' means to them. As you can see from the video, the executives in attendance 'get it,' which was no surprise to us. They know that For All companies empower their employees to bring their best selves to work every day and recognize employees' need to be valued, to belong and to be heard, regardless of the job they do or who they are.

  • Next we explored what it takes to build company culture.  Sharing from their personal experiences, we heard that trust, living your values every day, conversations, great leadership are just a few of the key tools you can use to create a great workplace.

  • We also asked attendees when they felt truly inspired at work and the results were heartwarming. All across the globe, culture executives are finding companies receptive to the critical work they do every day to improve culture and, at the same time, improve business performance. 

What would you add to these perspectives?  We hope you'll come share your insights and join this incredible group of thought leaders at our 2020 Summit on March 3-5 in San Francisco. 


Katie Van Geffen

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