Six Strategies for Attracting Talent: Strategy #4

 Six Strategies for Attracting Talent: Strategy #4
Attract Talent: Leverage your interview process to make a phenomenal first impression

Attract Talent: Leverage your interview process to make a phenomenal first impression

When it comes to good impressions, job applicants are already aware of their need to make one in order to land a job with your company. However, it’s also equally important for employers to make a great impression on the best candidates. Truth be told, when it comes to top talent, it’s often a matter of them choosing you—not the other way around.

Pull Out All the Stops

When highly qualified candidates come calling, give them every reason to say yes to success at yourcompany by treating them as the valuable individualsthey are. Many of the 50 Best Workplaces are known for going to great lengths to provide outstanding treatment topotential job candidates from the first interaction theyhave.

This is a smart practice because:

  • People within industries talk and your red-carpet treatment will bolster your good reputation with peers and prospects alike.
  • Potential employees who experience good treatment during the interview process will find it easier to believe your company really is the best choice.
  • Even if this opportunity does not pan out, having a good relationship with strong candidates will help easily bring them back.

Here are some simple ideas for creating a great first impression of your company during the interview process:

  • Be prompt and clear in your communications with job applicants.
  • Be as hospitable as possible, both leading up to and during the interview.
  • Equip interviewees with helpful information before they arrive, including directions, parking/ transportation recommendations, timing, agenda for the day, dress code, etc.

And, don’t forget to demonstrate respect for candidates with timely communication after the interview, even if it doesn’t work out. After all, you never know when a position that’s perfect for them will open in the future; and many of the 50 Best stay in touch with strong candidates for this very reason.

Download our latest Attracting Talent Whitepaper for more great practices and tips for attracting and retaining talent.