Unscripted: Improving Innovation & Leadership with Improvisation

From navigating industry disruption, to leading internal change, to co-creating new solutions, For All Leaders are called upon to inspire innovation, trust, and engagement in increasingly uncertain times. And while going off script can leave the bravest among us sweaty palmed, tight lipped, and running for familiar ground, great leaders make their biggest impact when they're prepared to connect and create through ambiguity. In other words… great leaders need to improvise!

Led by a Great Place To Work innovation culture expert and a professional improviser and creative leadership coach, this highly interactive workshop gest you on your feet and out of your comfort zone to practice the leadership behaviors that cultivate creativity and collaboration in uncertain times. And you’ll have a LOT of fun doing it!

Through a mix of best practice research, on-your-feet improvisational exercises and thoughtful discussion with fellow participants, introverts and extraverts alike can participate as the only rule is to Make Your Partner Look Good.

Learnings from this session include:

  • Unearth the common cultural behaviors and pitfalls that stifle organizational agility and result in wheel spinning and burnout
  • Practice leadership techniques like “Yes, And” – the improvisational tool of building upon new and diverse ideas – to lay the groundwork for inclusion, promote psychological safety and accelerate innovation
  • Commit to a plan to exhibit For All Leadership in the unscripted moments of your career to grow your influence and impact

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