Workplaces Worldwide: Lessons from our Largest Workforce Study

Political and economic upheaval in Latin America. Pressures to work 70-hour weeks in Asia. Concerns about rights and responsibilities in Europe. Constant corporate restructurings in North America. An ever-faster pace of business affecting virtually every industry all around the globe.

Amid this backdrop, employees around the world all want the same thing in the workplace: trust. They define a great workplace as one where leaders demonstrate credibility, respect, and fairness. Sadly, more than a billion people worldwide are not experiencing a workplace where they feel their leaders are credible, respectful, or fair.

But there’s a great cause for hope. The Great Place To Work Best Workplaces around the world are showing us the way. In our most extensive study ever conducted, we analyzed responses from 3.4 million employees to assess what makes workplaces great in four regions: Latin America, USA/Canada, Europe, and in Asia/Middle East.

Learnings from this session include:

  • Develop an understanding of what makes a great workplace anywhere in the world.
  • Discuss the similarities and unique traits of great workplaces headquartered in different regions.
  • Discover key drivers that differentiate best workplaces from the rest of the globe.

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