Work In Progress: Lessons on Remote Work from You Need a Budget

Employee Experience

Continuing COVID shutdown? No in-person meetings? No problem. At least not for budgeting software provider You Need A Budget.

You Need A Budget (YNAB) has been a fully remote organization since its founding in 2004. That hasn’t prevented it from building an exceptional, high-trust, inclusive culture. In fact, YNAB ranked #1 on our Best Small & Medium Workplaces™ list in 2020. And YNAB has lessons for other companies managing virtual operations as the pandemic stretches into 2021.

In this session of Work In Progress, we get the scoop from You Need A Budget on the secrets to keeping people connected, to recruiting “humbly confident” candidates and to offering flexibility in challenging times. We speak to Amanda Gardener , support specialist for YNAB, and Chance Gurr, chief operating officer at YNAB.

You need to hear from You Need A Budget!

More on You Need a Budget: 

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