Top Company Culture Articles of 2021

 Top Company Culture Articles of 2021

This past year has proved itself to be a continuation of 2020’s uncertainty. Around the globe, lockdown cycles, variants and anti-vax movements have paved the way for a “new normal” that feels anything but normal.

But despite all this, 2021 also brought us stories of hope, from companies that truly embody what it means to be a great place to work. Employers are stepping up for social justice, giving back to their communities and inspiring their employees through For All™ leadership.

We always strive to keep our blog timely and relevant to what’s happening in the world. That’s why throughout 2021, we’ve continued to monitor the lingering impacts of COVID-19 on the workplace, conduct new research on employee satisfaction and share stories from employers who are finding new and innovative ways to enhance company culture.

From navigating hybrid workplaces to managing millennials, these are the conversations that have shaped our 2021 and yours.

1. Remote Work Productivity Study Finds Surprising Reality

Can employees be just as productive at home as they are in the office? Or is the blurred line between workplace and home a recipe for employee burnout?

2. What Post-COVID Workplaces Will Look Like

Remote-first cultures, hybrid workplaces, vaccine mandates—Fortune 500 CEOs weigh in on how they expect the world of work to change across industries.

3. Infographic: Best Practices of the 100 Best Companies to Work For

More than ever, employees value strong leadership, benefits and giving back to the community. Here’s how the 100 Best Companies to Work For® have created better employee experiences amid uncertainty.

4. 8 Ways to Have a Fair Process for Promotions

Traditional workplace hierarchies limit who employees can show their potential and talents to—leaving staff in the dark when it comes to the ins and outs of climbing the company ladder.

5. 7 Heartwarming Employee Stories You Won’t Believe

At the heart of every great workplace are caring people. Here are seven inspiring tales of compassion and generosity from PEOPLE’s Companies that Care®.

6. Are Your Employees Suffering Return-to-Office Dread?

Employers may be eager to re-open their workplaces, but only 30% of employees say they’re eager to return. What does this mean for the future of work?

7. Top 5 Things Millennials Want in the Workplace

More than any other generation, Millennials are seeking things like transparency, flexibility and purpose. And they’re not afraid to quit if an employer doesn’t meet their needs.

9. Don’t Call Yourself a For All Leader if You Don’t Do These Things Today

From the January 6 insurrection to the murder of George Floyd, now is not the time for leaders to remain silent. Here’s our CEO’s advice for being a For All leader today.

10. 7 Research-Backed Ways to Effectively Manage Millennials in the Workplace

Only 44% of Millennials say they’re having a positive work experience—the lowest rate of any generation. But leaders who demonstrate connection, empathy and authenticity can turn that figure around.

11. 7 Crucial Tips for Managers Preparing for a Post-COVID Workplace

Managers and employees alike are juggling a new reality at home and at work. How can you find a middle ground that serves the needs of both your staff and your business?

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Claire Hastwell

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